【Unique Cigar Punch Cutter with Cigar Stand】 Experience versatility with our cigar punch cutter, featuring 3 different sizes to suit your various cigar types. The cigar holder on top allows for displaying your cigars in different ways, adding a touch of elegance to your collection.
【Premium Construction for Precision Cutting】 Crafted with zinc alloy and stainless steel, this cigar punch cutter boasts a sturdy build with a nice weight. The sharp and thin blades ensure every cut is clean and precise, enhancing your cigar experience.
【Ideal Cigar Gifts for Any Occasion】 Presented in an exquisite gift box packaging, this multitool 2-in-1 cigar punch set includes an additional flannel pouch for easy carrying. It's the perfect choice for cigar enthusiasts, making it an ideal gift for men during Father's Day, Christmas, birthdays, and more.
【Compact and Portable Design】 With a finger-length size and weighing just 2.9 ounces, this cigar punch is compact and portable. Easily slip it into any pocket, bag, luggage, or simply hold it in your hand when you're on the go, whether it's to the golf course or a cigar bar lounge. Enjoy your cigars with convenience and style wherever you are.
【After-Sales Service】 Every cigar accessories have undergone rigorous inspection.And we take customer satisfaction very seriously and always welcome your feedback. Any question or problem, contact us and you will get a satisfactory solution.